TPS Technology

Rapid, Accurate & Non-destructive Testing

The well-established Hot Disk method, also referred to as the Transient Plane Source (TPS) method or the Gustafsson Probe, invented by Hot Disk AB founder Dr. Silas E. Gustafsson in 1986, allows rapid, accurate and non-destructive testing of Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity, Thermal Effusivity and Specific Heat Capacity of most material types, all in a single measurement. Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity are tested directly, and Thermal Effusivity and Specific Heat Capacity are calculated from the former two.

In this section, we describe the unique features of the TPS technology, a give brief history of Hot Disk AB. Furthermore, key publications are presented and linked. We always strive to give our users, present and future, a greater understanding of the powerful Hot Disk technique and its benefits.