Hot Disk Sensor 5501 Kapton

Our Kapton-insulated sensors are the most versatile in the Hot Disk® sensor portfolio, employed at temperatures from -253°C (20 K) to 400°C. They are mechanically highly flexible, and frequently attain a lifetime of several years when employed with care. The Kapton-insulated Hot Disk® sensors are available in seventeen models of different radii to date, catering to a wide range of sample sizes and topical applications.

Other Hot Disk® Sensors

Hot Disk Sensor 5465 Teflon
Hot Disk® Sensor
Coping with nasty samples and environments up to 250°C

Our Teflon-insulated Hot Disk® sensors are mechanically flexible, geared toward liquid- or high-viscosity immersion and temperatures up to 250°C. They are designed for use in extreme conditions, such as acidic or corrosive environments, or with sticky and reactive samples. The Teflon-insulated Hot Disk® sensors are today available in six smaller-radii models.

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Hot Disk® Sensor
Tackling measurements up to 1000°C

Our Mica-insulated Hot Disk® sensors are mechanically firm and designed for measurements at elevated temperatures, typically in the 300°C to 1000°C range. Coming in eight models of different radii to date, they are commonly more perishable at higher temperatures, while easily replaced and available in bulk.

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Hot Strip® Sensors

Hot Strip Sensor C 5108 Kapton
Hot Strip® Sensor
Handling odd-shaped and limited-sized samples up to 400°C

While our Hot Disk® sensors can accommodate most measurement scenarios, our Hot Strip® sensors can importantly tackle odd-shaped and/or limited-sized samples, e.g. rectangular slabs and rods with rectangular or square cross-sections. Regarding anisotropic samples, Hot Strip® sensors can be used to analyse the 3D Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity tensors of biaxial materials, whereas the Hot Disk® sensors are limited to analyse the 2D Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity tensors of uniaxial materials.

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